Как найти хороший салон для наращивания волос

Декабрь 24, 2020 | Без категории | Нет комментариев

Иногда бывает сложно найти стилиста для наращивания волос рядом с вами, и у тебя не всегда есть время ехать часами, чтобы сделать прическу. К счастью, несколько онлайн-ресурсов доступны, чтобы помочь.

Вот полезный, сокращенный список:

The Hair Extension Salon Locator

This site lists hair extension salons by state. It also features articles on the care of hair extensions and hair loss information. Additionally, they have supplies and training resources.


This is the website for the HairBonz hair extension system. You can call 1-888-693-HAIR to find a listing of hair extension salons using the HairBonz system.

Hair Boutique

This informative site has links to hair extension salons. Unfortunately, the information is listed alphabetically and cannot be searched by city or state. However, if you have the patience to scan the listings you just might find a local salon.

Black Beauty Care Directory

This site is specifically for African-American beauty concerns, and lists salons that cater to African hair. Information is categorized by state for easy access.

Another way to find a local hair extension salon is to type Houston hair extension salons or hair extensive salons near Houston in a search engine. Of course, use your own city name in place of Houston!

You can also use your Yellow Pages to find hair extension salons.

One of the best ways to find a top-quality salon is by word of mouth. If a friend or family member has beautiful extensions, ask for a reference.

No matter where you located your hair extension salon, make sure that your stylist is qualified to apply the extensions. He or she should be a licensed cosmetologist with ample experience in applying the type of extensions you are considering. Many experts recommend that you meet some of the stylists other clients and find out if they are happy with their extensions. At the very least, ask to see a portfolio with before and after pictures.

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